Michelle has worked with business owners from when she was 10 – growing up in a family business she has immersed herself in understanding how a business works and how the mindset of a business owner works.

Over the years she has investigated many problems and found solutions that were “outside the square” – every time by gaining trust and exploring options that could solve the cause of the problems rather then treating the symptioms.

Cashflow is the most common symptom of a declining business and by addressing the causes of the decline in cashflow she has enabled many business owners to turn around their business, pay off debt, find more time to enjoy life again and change their relationships as their mindset changes.

Michelle brings years of experience as a business owner, mum and problem solver.  She will weave her magic to enable you to change your mindset and grow your business to the place you want to be.

To find out more “click here for a free consultation”

It is your responsibility to interview the coach, they will ask you questions on what you want to achieve.  By finding out these goals you can then discover the skill set you are lacking in achieving these yourself.  Then you can question the coach on their skillset – every coach has a background and some speciality – no point in choosing a relationship specialist if you need coaching around money – although some topics are inter linked you will need some expertise in finding the root of your problem and then working on that.

I specialise in peoples’ relationship with money – many other’s have a background in marketing – by defining the goals you have up front you will find out what expertise you really require.

Don’t be scared to compare coaches.

When you interview your coach make sure they have the following qualities:

  1. They have “been there and done that” – they have real world experience
  2. Share your ethics and morals
  3. No holds barred accountability
  4. Have a good rapport with you
  5. Impeccable references – ask around for who is recommended to you

To find out more “click here for a free consultation”.

Do I Need A Business Coach?

Before I engaged my first business coach I was oblivious to the power of accountability!  Things just flowed along, a few road blocks were thrown in and diversions occurred.  Goals seemed to be stretched and business was slow!

But then I engaged my first coach – wow there were tears, there was laughter but most importantly there was growth and goals were being smashed.   The power of accountability is limitless.

I threw every excuse to my coach about why I had not achieved the goals for that week…and then the month!  The sabotage was huge.  It tool a while for some lessons to be learn’t but now the integration of the learning and accountability have skyrocketed my business and personal life.  I now have the tools to motivate myself my business is growing steadily and I am working less!

So yes if you have goals to achieve finding a business coach that will call you on your excuses and specialises in areas that will help your business growth.

To find out more “click here for a free consultation”.