Do I Need A Business Coach?

Before I engaged my first business coach I was oblivious to the power of accountability!  Things just flowed along, a few road blocks were thrown in and diversions occurred.  Goals seemed to be stretched and business was slow!

But then I engaged my first coach – wow there were tears, there was laughter but most importantly there was growth and goals were being smashed.   The power of accountability is limitless.

I threw every excuse to my coach about why I had not achieved the goals for that week…and then the month!  The sabotage was huge.  It tool a while for some lessons to be learn’t but now the integration of the learning and accountability have skyrocketed my business and personal life.  I now have the tools to motivate myself my business is growing steadily and I am working less!

So yes if you have goals to achieve finding a business coach that will call you on your excuses and specialises in areas that will help your business growth.

To find out more “click here for a free consultation”.